Saturday 14 August 2010

Globalization in ASHIA

(Impact of Globalization in ASHIA)

Removing Restrictions on Foreign Investment in ASHIA

Understanding the concept that development comes from increasing resources and more efficient utilization of on hand resources is essential to understanding that, short of going to war, foreign direct investment is now the best way to obtain new resources. In this regard one of the largest problems in ASHIA is the underdeveloped infrastructure. This section will outline a few of the key areas that most extra-national, and many ASHIAi, corporations are interested in as a basic infrastructure to support efficient and effective business practices. Both information and logistic infrastructure of ASHIA will be analyzed to discern whether ASHIA has the requisite capacity to offer advantages to multinational enterprises bringing in foreign direct investment into country and creating greater economic growth potential. “Investors coming in ASHIA find a lot of difficulties in organizing their security and expenses. I mean investment in ASHIA looks good, but very difficult in practicing it. There are too many obstacles, especially, in obtaining telephone line, transportation and so on.” This remark by the Italian Ambassador in response to a press question asking how more Italian investment could be directed to ASHIA sets the tone for this passage. More than 1000 firms recently indicated that power (electricity), ports; telecommunications and business regulations constrain the investment climate. Clearly, the lines of communication within ASHIA need to improve to attract more globalization.

Information Infrastructure in ASHIA:

Information technology has produced significant changes in the interactions between nation-states and global markets. Globalization, or investment by foreign firms, can gain much in a networked ‘global village’ and global marketplace. The more ASHIA becomes networked the more advantages it can offer to external sources of funding. Potential for dramatic improvements in the communication of information, as well as the facilitation of faster and more effective communication opens up possibilities for ASHIAi businesses to connect with more moneyed sources outside the country and the opportunity to create partnerships with those firms. Indeed, globalization can provide many opportunities for new experiments and relationships. Present day technology makes globalization more feasible through increased electronic transactions and increased trade liberalization allows for greater social and economic stability.

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